"The band impressed with perfectly played and sung pieces of this living
hard rock legend"
BAZ newspaper
"These guys managed to cover the songs so perfectly that with closed eyes
you had to ask yourself, whether you really stand with KON CHAUVI or with
Music magazine Feedback
"... KON CHAUVI charmed once more a perfect interaction of sound, show and
musical ability on stage, like the original, the legendary BON JOVI not
better skillfully would have."
BNN newspaper
"The five covered in astonishing way the hits of BON JOVI."
Heilbronn newspaper
"The best BON JOVI tribute in Europe"
Arian de Jongste, BJF (official
European BON JOVI fan club)
"KON CHAUVI - the amazing copy of the original. What would only say Jon
himself to it?"
City magazine Moritz
"If the five play and you do not look at the stage one moment, they're not
to differentiate from the original"
BNN newspaper
"It was hardly to be seized, with which precision the pieces were covered."
Kurier newspaper
"The voice of front man Kush sounds like a BON JOVI echo."
City magazine Willi